Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Big messy feast

A big delightful ad hoc picnic at Hog Island Oyster Company, Tomales Bay, California. How many different things can one eat as a side to oysters?...


  1. Who are the lucky posters of this entry? Would love to have been there. We try and eat as many of the little devils as we can come the 'er' months. Sometimes salty, sometimes, sweet, they are one of my favourite delicacies.

    As east-coasters (relatively, that is) we recently ate our first lobsters of the season. A friend of ours visited his family in the Gaspé region last week and brought some back for us - bought off the dock in the morning and steaming on our plates in the evening.

    The scene of carnage and debris you posted is not unfamiliar. Tearing up arthropods requires bibs and goggles at the table, but we get too caught up in the feeding frenzy to notice that bits of shell and meat have flown as far as the drapes. The light of the next day invariably reveals some surprises.

  2. Mmmmmmm! That is a serious oyster catch!
