Tuesday, March 31, 2009

A lunching lady

When's the last time you prepared lunch during the week?....Yeah, me neither. I can count on one hand how many times I packed a lunch in the past 5 years. Since it's so easy to eat out there's really little motivation to concern oneself with yet another task of preparing for tomorrow after a long day at work. And again first thing in the morning.

Well, in the name of frugality and creativity I have decided to return to preparing a lunchbox. In the photo you see my first attempt at making up a bento box. There's rice, an umeboshi plum, egg roll, pickled daikon, green beans and carrot salad in sesame vinaigrette, and wee meatballs with Bulldog sauce. Everything was made by me mostly during the weekend (except the umeboshi, of course), and prepared groggily this morning. It's true I have way more time on my hands these days to indulge in preparing for lunch, but I hope building the habit now will come in handy when time is much more pressing.

1 comment:

  1. Very nice!

    In fact, I make my lunch about 4 out of 5 working days and each day on the weekends.

    But, never so classy an effort as this! Sure, I pack tasty things, but without any real eye to "plating and presentation".

    Instead, I am caught up in efforts to prevent the whole thing from leaking sauce, oil etc through my purse.
